Silverado Berkeley Memory Care Community in Berkeley


Phone: +1 510-841-4844
Opening hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
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4.9 (5 comments)

Review №1


This is a remarkable place. It provides residents with dignity, quality of life, and thoughtful care. My mother was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, and then vascular dementia, over the course of the past three years. Initially we got by with some help from personal aides, but it became clear she needed more care and engagement, so my siblings and I looked carefully at nearly a dozen assisted living and memory care places in the East Bay and Marin, and Silverado stood out for the genuine attention to each individual, the range of activities and care levels to meet each person where they are and help them maintain the best quality of life.My mother visited and came away saying Im pretty darn sure this is where I want to be (after having seen other, places that looked like upscale hotels but feel very impersonal). She loved meeting the women in the Red Hat Club, a vibrant group (part of the Nexus program) who were very welcoming. I had spoken to the adult daughters of current residents who spoke highly of their mothers experiences. We were all set to have her move in - had set up her room and the personalized Memory Box outside, had met many staff members and residents, all of whom were warm and welcoming, and then, just three days before the move, my mother passed away unexpectedly and peacefully in her sleep. :-(How I wish we had moved her two years ago when she was earlier in the course of dementia, as I am quite sure that Silverado would have slowed the progression and kept her physically, emotionally and cognitively healthier. In another tribute to Silverado, despite all the time and care and cost they put into having her move in, the staff were sympathetic and caring to us, as if we were a part of the community. Were grateful, and regretful, that we didnt find Silverado sooner.

Review №2


The brief review (detailed review below): I had hoped this move would be OK, but I had never dreamed it would be the improvement it has been. Much of what I’d viewed as the decline of the disease over the last 2 years could in part be attributed to the isolation of dementia made worse because of Covid times. Once she was at Silverado, with all the social stimulation, it was as if a dimmer switch had been turned to bright. Additionally she is so much safer having her physical needs met by a team of trained people instead of a family member often flying solo.Detailed review: My mom moved into Silverado 3 months ago. Like everyone making this decision for their loved one, I was filled with worry. But I was also sure I could not keep doing it at home, even with lots of help. Too many maneuvers required 2 people to feel safe to mom, as well as literally to be safe for her. Additionally, too many times each day I had questions where I quite simply wished there was a nurse right there to address a concern and check on her.Note: M-F There is a RN onsite at Silverado, who is supported 24/7 by LVNs. All the other places I visited only had LVNs. Additionally, there is an MD on call 24/7. This means no more trying to connect with mom’s doctor’s office’s phone system in the middle of the night!!So I began the search. Many places I visited I knew immediately I would not leave my mom in their care. I visited place after place. Then I visited Silverado. I was sure this was the place. But if Silverado could be so, so much better than all the others, might there also be another place so, so much better than Silverado? I felt compelled to keep looking. But, I found nothing that compared.I really like that the entire place is devoted to Memory Care only (with groupings, that co-mingle, for early stage, mid-stage and advanced stage dementia). In many places with Assisted Living units, Memory Care was housed in the basement or other less appealing parts of the building. Not only does the elimination of co-housing with Assisted Living positively affect the quality of the overall physical environment for patients with more advanced dementia, but it means every staff person in the building is trained for residents in Memory Care. It is very common to see staff from the kitchen, facilities, gardening, etc. chatting with the residents. I appreciate that the staff, all staff, are trained to not merely walk past. I appreciate that the behaviors of the residents are considered ok even if they are not what one would call normal (Ex: There’s one resident who loves to clean. You might see her sitting on the floor, cloth in hand, polishing the floor. There is absolutely no reason anyone should stop her from doing this if it is what she wants. But I very much doubt there is another place which would allow it).Silverado had me fill out a questionnaire about my mom. Right away I could tell that everyone who worked with her had actually read it. I’d come in and the caregiver sitting with her would have her iPad playing the Beatles or Sinatra. After dinner they’d show up with a dish of vanilla ice cream, her favorite. I’d overhear a caregiver talking to her about oil painting.On a few occasions the RN has approached me about a subtle observation they have made about my mom, which has led to a modification to her medication (she is unable to communicate her needs or her discomfort). I am deeply grateful they are so hands-on/eyes-on. Additionally, extreme constipation has defined the last few years of her life. With in a very short time of having a trained staff monitoring her bowels, diet, and meds, the constipation is a thing of the past. This is a huge relief as she had suffered so badly!Visiting mom is now a treat. Previously when I was with her for 12 hours a day, it just felt like work-it was work. Now that I am no longer tasked with monitoring bowels, hydration, diapering, showers, dressing, meds, etc., we can just chat. It is such a joy.

Review №3


Ten months ago I started looking for a Memory Care facility for my father as his dementia was rapidly progressing. He suffered a traumatic brain injury two years ago in a fall, and had fallen often since then. In my research I came across Silverado Berkeley and immediately felt a true heart connection with their philosophy. As I watched the video I saw people who genuinely cared about the residents, and obviously loved and took pride in their job. The quality of the staffs interactions with the residents and family members is excellent. Jean, and the rest of the staff, could not have been more supportive, kind, patient or caring with me. Even through my very long struggle getting all the paperwork properly completed by the insurance company, while watching my father deteriorate day by day, they remained a source of comfort for me. Always professional and respectful, they were there assisting my family through this difficult transition. I could not have asked for more.I am so touched by the level of caring my father and I receive that I whole-heartedly encourage anyone looking for a memory care facility to consider Silverado Berkeley!

Review №4


My parents moved into Silverado after we knew they needed help and memory care was a part of the challenge. The experience has been tremendous largely because the staff has been so attentive and caring. This has been a tough transition for our family but we looked at other places and realized that Silverado was the right fit for us. If you need this kind of help, visit Silverado.

Review №5


Quality of Life and DignityMy Mother was diagnosed with Dementia last year which progressed quickly to a moderate level. She had lived independently up to this point. She is a retired corporate exe who is extremely stubborn, self reliant, and fiercely independent.Leading up to the move to Silverado, family and friends made several attempts to transition her into a memory care/assisted living community with no success. Before the move, her paranoia and fear had become 90% of her daily focus, she was not able to care for herself. Quick action was required and Silverado responded in kind with diligence and sensitivity. The executive staff showed compassion while delivering strategic support every step of way in navigating the malaise of bureaucratic red tape with health care providers and legal documents – I could not have done any of this without their support and intelligence in dealing with the who, what, when, how of getting everything necessary to move her.My mother has been there now for just over four months. Her paranoia level is 10%-15% of her mindset, her fear is gone, she feels safe, she sleeps through the night (before she rarely did) and regularly states how happy she is.So here are few insights that are worth sharing.Engagement: This is perhaps one of the most notable aspects about Silverado – their programing provides for constant, daily engagement on various levels – exercise, socialization, mental stimulation and one on one interaction I have watched several of these events and find it remarkable how they get a bunch of folks to sit down and interact - truly special.Staff: The resident to staff ratio is high and varied – caregivers, nurses, management and support staff all regularly engage the residents. There is a sense of cohesive support and mindset (everyone is on the same page). If there is an issue staff actively work to address it, I have not witnessed “not my problem or someone will be there to help” situations. Keeping in mind that there three levels of care and different needs depending on where residents are at. Execution seems seamless. The staff know everyone’s names and appear to understand the needed level of care of each individual.Philosophy: It is worth noting that they just don’t provide lip service to their philosophy they execute. Their onboarding process was extremely thoughtful and strategic for getting her adjusted – they know what they are doing and how do it based on the individual. The Staff don’t act like they are treating memory care patients, rather regular everyday human beings. The level of dignity giving to residents is truly noteworthy, especially when you realize the range of care needs they serve. I visited many other assisted living and nursing care facilities in my life and have never seen the consistent level of care displayed here.Environment: This is not your average memory care community (assisted living /retirement/etc). There are no smells one associates with assisted living communities. The place is immaculate, the food good – different menu every day for each meal, there are standard everyday options, and open seating. The rooms are well appointed and the overall facility has undergone a complete remodel. Heating and cooling works, dining and common areas are well maintained.Final Thought: My mother feels safe, happy and enjoys being there. What is truly amazing to me was staff at every level engaged me about my mother and how well she was doing and what a great person she was – most commentary was unsolicited and unexpected, even from staff how do not directly over see her. But here is what really brought home what a great place this is – the residents themselves! Over the course of my visits not less than 20 different residents have approached me about how happy they are she is there and how much they enjoy her company and/or how well she has adapted – you don’t see unhappy or unattended people here, everyone genuinely appears to be happy that they are at Silverado.